Loads the game without problems until it begins loading the fancy new graphics, PC just shuts off like the power went out. No warnings no nothing.
I'm thinking maybe it got overloaded but in what way I don't know, it runs fine with MGE disabled in-game.
This isn't the first game that has done this to me, Titan Quest: Immortal Throne did it too straight off of Steam with no mods. It'd let you reach a certain point and then it starts hard crashing next time you run it and it tries to load something. Could never play it any further.
Aside from these two I've never experienced this issue on any other game, not even with mass spamming of effects and monster spawning; The games would crash but the PC would never shut off... I wonder if something might be damaged or beginning to fail but what could it be?
Windows Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit
Processor: Intel? Core? i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz
Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 570
Total RAM: 8.0 GB
MGE XE is the one straight off the Nexus, whichever version that is.