Going through my Mlox messages and noticed the following warning. After looking into it, there may be a slightly different zip file for 2.1 on different sites (one is BT_Whitewolf_2_1, and the other is BT_Whitewolf 2_1-27306, I have the latter). Both talk about the same changes in the readme, both have an .esp / .esm that are listed as BT_Whitewolf_2.0, and both have the same file size.
Are they the same plugin, or am I missing something else? If there is another version, can I just overwrite the .esp? Any thoughts appreciated, see below for the Mlox report:
> [ANY
> '[SIZE !3829352 BT_Whitewolf_2_0.esm]',
> '[SIZE !3829352 BT_Whitewolf_2_0.esp]']
| ! The latest version of White Wolf of Lokken is 2.1, which includes Children of Morrowind 2.0 and the "kiss patch". You may want to upgrade:
| ! http://lovkullen.net/Emma/lokken.htm