CTD leavingre-entering Lakeview (Hearthfire) Manor Area

Post » Fri Nov 28, 2014 5:34 pm


I'm getting a consistent CTD without fail when leaving and re-entering the outdoor area of Lakeview Manor. I can leave the area once but once I leave and come back I will crash to desktop.

Here's an example:

I will arrive at Lakeview Manor via Riverwood, no problem. I go inside the manor and finish working on one of the wings of the house. I then go outside to fetch more stone, for example, and it will CTD.

Another example would be loading a save from within the manor. I can go outside and there won't be a crash. I re-enter the house and leave again - CTD.

Finally, I can load from inside the house, travel down to Falkreath but when I head back to Lakeview I am sent back to desktop once the cell reloads.

I think this problem is connected to a Visual C++ error I was getting but all mentions of this error on Google referred to that error as being connected to Dragonborn (or is it Dawnguard?) something to do with a quest an a Soul Cairn.

However this area has nothing to do with that nor have I started that quest or anything related to it.

One of the bits of advice to fix this error is to uninstall all the Microsoft C++ libraries. I did that and now I still get the CTD but no Visual C++ error, just a black console box that accompanies Skyrim crashing to desktop.

I'm rather flummoxed regarding this problem. The only thing I haven't tried is a cell reset, though I don't know for certain if that will fix the problem.

Here is a pastebin of the mods I am running: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=CCkSUHj9

Everything is cleaned with TES5edit and sorted with LOOT.

Thanks in advance


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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Sat Nov 29, 2014 6:40 am

Have you tried verifying your local files through Steam? Make backup copies of your DLC master files (the ones you cleaned with TES5Edit) before you verify - the verification will undo your cleaning, and once Steam has finished replacing data files you can copy your cleaned masters back into your Data folder.

Has this been happening for a while, or has it started recently after making changes to your load order (such as adding new mods)? If it's started crashing recently, I'd suspect some kind of mod conflict.

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Post » Sat Nov 29, 2014 1:55 am

Ah... dang. I ended up fixing it. Probably should have been the first thing I tried but it seemed so unusual a crash that I didn't think it would work. Staying indoors and sleeping/waiting for a few days reset the cell and cleared up the crash.

Goodness knows what was causing is.

Thanks for the feedback, your effort to help is not unappreciated. :)

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