Looking through my Mlox messages, it has the message I have below, indicating that I don't have the 2.1 version of WWoL. I have checked every download site, including the one referenced in the Mlox message, and I am sure I have the correct download. (Or at least there is not a different one availible).
The .esp is Whitewolf_2_0.esp, but the readme and file name of the download is 2.1. The date on the .esp is 12/6/2008 3:03 AM, and the filesize is 3,829,352 bytes (3,829,760 bytes on disk). I'm wondering if Mlox is confused on this one (although the version 2.0 on the .esp does seem to give some validity to the message).
Is there a newer version of this mod somewhere, or do I have the correct one?
Thanks for any information, here is the Mlox message:
> [ANY
> '[SIZE !3829352 BT_Whitewolf_2_0.esm]',
> '[SIZE !3829352 BT_Whitewolf_2_0.esp]']
| ! The latest version of White Wolf of Lokken is 2.1, which includes Children of Morrowind 2.0 and the "kiss patch". You may want to upgrade:
| ! http://lovkullen.net/Emma/lokken.htm