Arrow shots won't register on ennemies at long range

Post » Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:45 am


I currently have a problem on my PC skyrim...

Whenever I shoot at people at ranges longer than "the range where heavy armor will screw your sneaking", arrows I shoot will go straigth THROUGH the ennemies.

If I'm always shooting in the same direction , I hit them when I'll get close enough, and everything is fine in very close areas. But in large dungeons, or while hunting / sniping, it's really horrible. I cannot do anything.

It's not a problem of aiming, this I can assure you (it would mean I cannot even hit a GIANT spider in a corridor at 50 metres).

Arrows that should hit my foes instead go through them and they go (! alert !) looking for the arrow that went through their belly to find me.

It is HORRIBLY ANNOYING, to say the least. I suppose it is the same problem with spells, though I have not tested that yet.

I looked it up on the forum and couldn't find anything that could solve my problem.

People usually advise to add


in my skyrim ini file, but it does nothing (I added that at the end (should it be at the end ?) of the 2 files in myDocuments, as well as the one in the Skyrim folder in programmefiles).

I am quite desperate about that, and I really does not want to go through yet another character to level up and go through the basic places again.

Thanks for reading that message, I really hope you can help me with that.

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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Sat Nov 29, 2014 4:44 pm

Try this:



or if you have Dawnguard installed:


[Combat] f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7




[Actor] fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=14000.0000



Do you have any mods that affects archery or bows ???

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Veronica Flores
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Post » Sat Nov 29, 2014 1:34 pm

Thanks for the answer.

I have no mod whatsoever, so none can affect archery. And I indeed have Dawnguard installed.

I'm going to try your hotfix, thanks, I'll be back with news.

Also, I did not install the unofficial patch, that's indeed a very good idea.

Edit : it appears the hotfix alone did not change anything, but I did notice that the shooting is different in that the arrows don't come up at the same 'initial height', or whatever, and my aim is a bit off for now. I'll try with the unofficial patches installed.

Second edit : The problem persists, and I still cannot figure out why (got all the unofficial patches installed, and the hotfix ready in the skyrim.ini file)

Also, is the angle part of the code really necessary ? It seems to only alter the arrow trajectory... anyway, thanks.


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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Sat Nov 29, 2014 12:13 pm

Make sure the the .ini file edits are sticking.

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Post » Sun Nov 30, 2014 2:37 am

If by that you mean, are they not reinitialized everytime, I must say NO, they keep the same indentation, text and numbers everytime I launch the game.

Maybe I did not ut them in the right file :/, what is the path to the correct skyrim.ini ? Maybe I have it wrong, though I really do not think that's the problem...

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Post » Sat Nov 29, 2014 11:47 am

The location of your Skyrim.ini file is this: C: \ Users \ \ Documents \ My Games \ Skyrim


Verify the Integrity of your Game cache files. ( )

After verifying your files, if you got a message like "one file has been missing and re-acquired"

--------------proceed to the following:

Delete your Skyrim.ini and your SkyrimPrefs.ini as well. (located in the same folder.)

I assume you have activated the patch. !!! (Unofficial skyrim patch)

Sort your load order with BOSS or LOOT.

Load a save and - wait for 31 days. (in-game).

Make a new manual save and exit skyrim.

After, load that new save, and go to a vendor and buy a new bow and arrows.


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