Every time I restart the game the armor rating on every item is reset to zero. The only way I have found to fix it is it use the console resurrect command. But as soon as I restart its back to zero??
Judging by the use of console commands you are on PC. Installed any mods and if yes, which ones and what is your load order?
I have quite a few, I would have to possibly print a screenshot from mod organiser. Do you think its a mod issue if it still happens when all mods are disabled? I just disabled all and its the same.
One thing that has me thinking, is that when I use the resurrect command, 'Agent of Mara' disappears from my active effects. And obviously on restart it loads again and armor rating goes to zero. Could it be a Agent of Mara bug?
Disabling mods is absolutely no help if the glitch is baked into the save, which very likely is.
I ran the sort option in mod orgnaniser and it says there are some errors requiring tesedit to fix. I am trying to work that out now.