Here's a bit of information about the game:
Looks pretty good for free!
Yeah...this game is fun. Except that, it's free.!!!
So, if someone wants it...
I would recommend that anyone who hasn't played Red faction, pick it now, It's a great game.
I didn't even know the game had DLC. Gives me a reason to play it again sometime.
Thanks for the links Mark41.
And remember. The explosions are really awesome and worth the money. lol
Have Fun. !!!
No big deal, man...
I started downloading it. I have literally no real idea what it's about but I heard good things. I don't have very high expectations but hopefully it surpasses them.
edit: For those who have played, is the story any good?
I don't want to spoil the game but i say only this: It has an okayish story, its fairly basic in plot but still enjoyable. !!!
Mmm. Unfortunately, i am too far come to dinner. lol
Actually i am more interested in that chicken, you have mentioned.
I loved this game. Nothing like loading up a truck with mines and crashing it into a building. Bonus points for airtime and living. And damn does this game have one satisfying hammer to use. It's great picking out a few key parts of a building and sending it crashing down with precision swings.
Oh, and there's one rule for this game: NEVER use an existing* door. Real men make their own doors.
*this includes doors that you have already made and used once.
Well, if a could...i would bought you a present too. !!!
I am not telling. It would be a suprise. I love suprises.
Get it. Everyone who has a 360, do not miss this opportunity and get this while its free. I used to play this game excessively. So awesome.
So I downloaded and played this for the first time tonight and I can't believe that I haven't tried this game sooner....a sandbox on Mars where you can smash stuff with a sledgehammer? So much win.