I'm a really,REALLY big Fallout fan like most of you that are probably reading this post.I mean,Fallout 3 blew my mind all over the F'in room and Vegas is certainly an excellent follow up. Everything about it too:the art,story,design of the levels and characters,music.There's just nothing out there like it,am I right?!?! Its got so many great features from some of the best games ever made such as the "free roaming environment" like grand theft auto,role playing similar to(and I hate to compare it to this cuz i'm really not a big fan of this game at all)World of Warcraft(or dragon warrior if you're as old as I am =), and an EXCELLENT first person shooter feel like doom just to name one(tho there are indeed many). The players interactions with other characters in the game and the choices that he/she makes along the way actually have an effect on the ending and how the rest of the world views you which is just UNREAL.I've been playing video games of every kind and across all different types of platforms for quite some time now and tho there have been some that have stuck out in my memory a lot more than others,tho there's never been one with that same feel as the Fallout series has.I have yet to play the first or 2nd yet being as 3 and vegas have taken up so very much of my life but it is indeed on my to do list even tho they are a bit older. I cant even imagine the amount of time,money,effort,and just shear imagination that must've gone into creating something like this.Here's the BUT part tho.........
As amazing as the fallout(s) have been,I'm almost equally as amazed at the number of bugs and hellaciously frustrating glitches that 3 and New Vegas both suffer from. I mean, Fallout 3 got so bad at one point that the game was nearly considered to be unplayable and the fact that another Fallout game that is nearly identical and runs off the same engine was released chocked full of problems is just insane. Now,I know not everyone is having problems like this.Only about 90% from what i've read.But just how in the hell could this possibly happen again?!?! I know Vegas isn't quite as bad with the malfunctions as 3 is from the gameplay that I have thusfar experienced,but IMO it should be almost non existent. I know i'm just a gamer and not a computer programmer or anything.I'm sure deadlines have to be met and somethings just left the way they are etc etc etc. But this thing is STILL locking up on a fairly consistent basis JUST LIKE Fallout 3 did and,ultimately,isn't it the opinion of the gamer that really matters most??? Did the folks at Bethseda not listen and understand what the issues and problems were the first time around?! It starts to make you think that money and quantity are of more importance than quality after a while,ya know. Maybe its a good thing tho because if all of those numerous problems weren't there and if those GOD AWFUL LOAD TIMES were at least cut in half,then I'd probably never leave the house LOL! I think it,in a way,says a lot that despite how problematic Fallout has been(is) that its still has the fanbase and the following that it does.If the game was just pretty good AND had all these issues than nobody would have had the time or patience for it. Im well aware that its a really big program and a lot of things can go wrong but,cmon Bethseda,I KNOW that you've got to know better than this. Just expressing my feelings on the matter.You may or may not agree with me but one thing is for sure and thats that i'm speaking from the heart. If there happens to be anyone out there that can give me a good,solid reason as to why this thing is still riddled with bugs then I am certainly all ears. Until then,I guess we in the Fallout community are going to keep doing what we've been doing which is continuing to play whilst praying it'll get better and saving the game every 5 to 10 minutes so we dont have to "do it over again". Thanks for listening,