[HELP] Mystic TuningFocusing Gloves texture error

Post » Fri Dec 05, 2014 5:19 pm

Okay, before I start, I feel I should mention that I've been looking for help on this problem for over a month now on other Skyrim mod forums, including the Nexus forums, and bar one person's unhelpful response, I have been ignored. I would've come here first, but in my experience with modding help, my pleas generally fall on deaf ears here too. Please, don't be that guy?

I downloaded the http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/41662/? mod, 'cause it looks really damn nice.

Unfortunately, I seem to be having some sort of texture error with it:


Does anyone familiar with meshes or textures know what's going on, and can tell me what properties I need to alter to fix this? I and someone else has already notified the author about the issue, and I've uploaded this same image there to demonstrate, but so far the author has not responded in any manner and I doubt he will, so I need to figure it out myself, or with someone other than the author's help.

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Tanika O'Connell
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