Hi everyone,
I'm not sure if this is or not mod related but I'm having this issue :
During my playthrough I discovered that my Skyrim was using two different types of steel arrow, one dealing normal damage, and another one like double damage. The arrows have 2 differents ids when I search them with the console.
The first 2 digits of the ids are "00" so is this related to vanilla skyrim or mods, I can't say. I'm no expert on this. Does anyone know what's going on ? How can I solve this ? Thanks.
Edit : I opened Skyrim.esm in TES5Edit and found this :
One of the arrow has the formID : 0001397F and the editorID is : SteelArrow
The other one is 00105EE7 and the editorID is : MQ101SteelArrow
It seems like Requiem is modifying the damage values of different types of arrows and the bashed patch reverts some of these values to the originals. How can I solve this ?