Now before you make assumptions, you should know that this isn't an online-multiplayer bashing rant. This is merely a discussion about what I believe have had a negative effect on the gaming mood, the so called lust to play games, and not about the quality of games.
Too Much Exposure - The mystery is gone. Gone are the days when you would hear about a game from someone you knew. Gone are the days when you went to the store, and looked at the gaming shelf, to pick up a random game and bought it. Now, the secrecy is gone. Online hype and easy access to information by gaming sites kills the anticipation. Not because gaming news are bad, but because there's just too much of if. We know too much about the game when it comes out, so the mood for playing it isn’t as big, as you can’t really explore it.
Reviews And Hype - Now reviews are not necessarily a bad thing.Reviewers have been here for a long time, but it’s like they've got too big of a grip on the mood of buying a game. I don't think I only speak for myself when I say that ratings, scores and reviews of games might better or worsen the expectations of a game. Now, we only expect the best. Use to be that no one would give a damn about scores, but now when you see the score 7.5 you automatically assume it is a mediocre game, and to some, the value of a score is enough to determine whether to buy it or not .
Digital Downloads - Many opinions are flooding about this, but what I think is that digital data doesn't hold much value to it than a physical copy does. Looking at a huge list of digital games makes a kind of weak impression, than a shelf of disc cases does. Let’s not forget about DLC and patches that doesn't enhance the game experience like an expansion pack, but rather put in content that should have been in the game to begin with.
Am I completely wrong about this? Am I just growing out of gaming? Or has the Internet had t oo big an effect on gaming, and removed the mystery of gaming?