Hey people i am currently on a mission to marry Jordis and to get her as my housecarl, I need to assist the people of Haffingar but as usual i have killed them all. Anything that can be done? i play on PS3 so I dont think so, Right?
Hey people i am currently on a mission to marry Jordis and to get her as my housecarl, I need to assist the people of Haffingar but as usual i have killed them all. Anything that can be done? i play on PS3 so I dont think so, Right?
Something about this post just made me laugh my ass off.
Anyway, no, sorry, you'll have to reload a save or start again. Since the console can only be used on the PC version, there's no way to help people if they're all dead.
Out of curiosity, why did you feel the need to murder everyone in Solitude? XD
If you're dumb enough to kill them all....no reason to help you.
It's time for you to retire your character and start a new one.