I understand there are glitches in the game that once fixed, may create other issues. But why not release fixes for the things that don't have adverse consequences on other issues. For instance, the weathered 10mm laser sight... How long do we have to wait before we can look at a freaking gun and not a red box with an exclamation point... This is so unacceptable and I am so pissed I spent 60 bucks on this.... I guess I helped pay the bill for the voice actors. Who the hell cares who is doing the voice overs. I want to see a gun on the screen and not a giant red box!!!
How did they miss this pre-release? I sincerely hope management over at Bethesda is cleaning house and firing the people involved on these errors and ommisions.
Here's my version of the glitch on youtube, although if you search for it you'll see about 100 other such postings....
I really don't have enough middle fingers.
EDIT: Saw the URL links don't work.... great. here's the address anyway: