Ragged Flagon Lighting

Post » Sat Dec 20, 2014 4:21 am

Through a combo of STEP textures, ICBINE2 and IMAGINATOR, I got a pretty damn sweet looking Skyrim, tweaked to perfection across a playthrough. Lighting feels great everywhere. Except in the Ragged Flagon. The light in there is horrible, and I visit often given the concentration of merchants.

Anyone else has the same experience, where tweaking light settings just so feels great almost everywhere but there? The light that comes in through that hole is insane.

I'm pleased with my ICBINE and Imaginator settings at this point, what I'm looking for is essentially a way to both dim that crazy strong light and ideally reduce it's colour. It's way too green. Only thing I still need to fix to make Skyrim as pretty as it can be without a ENB, thought I could use your help :smile:

Edit: what I'm talking about... https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5859263/Misc/ridiculous.jpg

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Haley Cooper
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