Using GetInCell as a papyrus fragment. How?

Post » Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:03 am

Hi all and Merry Christmas.

I have a repeating quest which I am having difficulty with. So far it is quite good when quest ends it resets. Issue I have is that when player enters a house the quest is set to 10 which is the beginning of the scene (player will enter about 4 in total) he/she witnesses a ghost killing another ghost. Quick scene (I'm not referring to "Scenes" as in the technical/quest tab, just in general), ghosts are gone and quest resets ready for the next house. I duplicated the house (moved stuff around to make it more unique) and tried the quest. First house is fine, second house is when the aggressor doesn't appear as he has been disabled and "resides" in the other house, using same NPC here. So it would be logical to duplicate and rename the NPC. Now I have a papyrus fragment at the end of the victim's moans for mercy just before aggressor kills him.

Aggressor.Enable() - Aggressor enables and carries out his package UseWeapon to slay victim then in a quest stage disables.

I need to know how to use the same aggressor in all houses but his package is tied to 1 location and 1 victim. Now to the question in the title, if I duplicate and rename the aggressor with a new UseWeapon package, place each of the duplicates in houses but remember I am still using the same quest, reset, how can I enable/disable the correct one? Which brings me to GetInCell condition. If I can run a papyrus fragment which determines which house the player is in and enable the correct aggressor. Something along the lines of "If player is in house 2, then enable and/or disable aggressor 2" depending at what point of the quest we're at.

Sorry this is so long and thank you for any help.

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Harry Hearing
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