Ive seen woman hair styles but i couldnt find any for men when i googled...i like long hair for men.
If you know of one could you leave a link or a name?
Thanks alot,
Ive seen woman hair styles but i couldnt find any for men when i googled...i like long hair for men.
If you know of one could you leave a link or a name?
Thanks alot,
I know about these:
http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/47000/? - 1x Geralt Hair Style-male (requires Apachii Hair)
http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57538/? - 1x Male hair (Vanilla Hair 01)
I choose to use BB's Hair Physcics and do you have to start a new game for it to take affect?
I activated it on my ongoing save and nothing new is happening.