Do "celestial" objects (stars, Mundus, the moons, or the planets) move in predictable patterns as seen from an observer on Nirn? Would they be useful for celestial navigation?
Background: The existence of the Dwemer observatories and orreries indicates that they do but it also seems that the holes in space that are stars might move (The Serpent for instance). By "predictable", I do not mean "newtonian" or "physical". If a mage can predict their positions based on reading hamster entrails that works for me (rough on the hamsters though). MK has written a little bit on taking "fex"s but that appeared to be in reference to navigating magical journeys between planes. I'm just a homebody interested in figuring out how to get around Nirn by boat.
Where I've looked already: I've done literature searches at TIL (the Imperial Library), this forum, the Storyboard forum at TIL, and read previous naval submissions to the Tamriel Rebuilt (TR) mod. I've also read MK's Cosmology on TIL.
Why I care: I am researching a few short nautical literature bits to submit to the TR mod to provide more flavor for the nautical history of Nirn. I find what I've seen thus far ... a bit stale. I'm tempted to say "Boring and Therefore Wrong" but I recognize myself in the tiny minority of people passionately interested in ships and the sea.