This might be simplistic, but I've done quite a bit of Googling, reading, and YouTube watching and can't seem to get to the bottom of this specific scenario. I must be going down the wrong logical path and am hoping to get set straight.
Anyway, I made a copy of Vigilance (dog), and renamed him to a temporary name, but despite all of the conditions being met, the dog never shows any "Follow Me" dialogue, no matter what I try. I made a mod ("Feed The Animals") that lets you feed dogs through a dialogue option, so I am familiar with the basics (and pitfalls) of how to get dialogue to appear on specific types of NPCs, based on conditions. The "Follow Me" dialogue is part of the main DialogueFollower quest and appears on different NPCs based on their race, faction, etc. in this case, the condition is simply whether or not the NPC is in the right faction and is the correct race.
Things I've tried:
- Double-triple-quadruple checked all factions and conditions
- Generate new SEQ for my plugin via TES5Edit (had an issue with dialogue not appearing for a dog before)
- Removed all conditions from the "Follow Me" on dogs as a heavy-handed test, which STILL did nothing
- Checked / reset Actor Value for WaitingForPlayer via console
- Checked / reset Relationship Rank to Ally via console
- Making an entirely new dog NPC instead of a copy, same results
Things I am wondering about:
- I've been adding this new dog (player.placeatme) via the console -- could this impact anything?
- Is there some additional scripting required that is tucked away somewhere?
It's worth noting that some of the tutorials I've seen have the viewer copy/paste scripts, quests, dialogue, etc. into a separate, unique copy of the dialogue and follower system, which is what I don't want to do. It doesn't make sense to tack on a whole new dialogue system when the vanilla one would work fine simply having the conditions met, especially for a type of animal that can already be made a follower (it would make sense if I was making a mudcrab follower that needed a new type of response, for example.) hence the topic of my post.
Thank you much!