I am new to playing on pc and was wondering if there were any good body mods, male and female?
thank you
Female, there are a HUGE amount, UNP, CBBE, UNPB, 7Base, are the main ones and have the most armors/armor conversions.
MAle, these is really only one - Better males.
The two main options for females are CBBE and UNP. I'd recommend choosing one or the other. Of course there are other options as well but those two are the most popular ones.
As for males.. I have no recommendation.
I like CBBE never nvde. I like underwear always on my gal AND the npcs (which I strip of their clothing usually). I play a woodelf and the body is nice - I pick slim and don't need to use the sliders because that body fits a wood elf pretty well. It's kind of the vanilla body but fleshed out a bit, no more square butt or legs that look like they were drawn with a straight pencil line... There are other body options though and you can use this body mod with sliders. There are a lot of clothing mods that fit this mod body too.
I think alot of people like UNP too? My suggestion is think about your character, what you would like them to look like, then find the body mod that fits that idea best. You might need to try more than one before you find one you really like.
Sorry I meant to add I am playing on steam. Are these all on the nexus?
I use http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2666/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D2666&pUp=1 Vanilla body - I use the vanilla body because it does not require any special needs or editing to get clothes to fit.
I also use http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/2488/?.
I use underwear version for both but to each their own.
Yes, they're all on Nexus.
Furthermore I'd really recommend staying away from Steam Workshop and to learn how to properly install mods. They are not "plug and play" like Workshop would like you to think.
Thanks. I haven't played on a pc in 6 years.
Ok so you have to pay to download from the nexus now?
Nope. Just read carefully and you'll realize you don't need to pay a cent.