I might be pushing the boat out a little bit far but......... I want to have a few dead enclave skeletons around, and be in a skeletal state but wearing their enclave armour / uniforms. I could create them as a custom creature (skin the skeleton mesh and make use of the human skeleton) and use the existing skinned armour / uniform associated in the model list for the "new creature" which would make it fairly easy, except the player would not be able to remove the armour (because it's attached in the model list).
This would make it of limited value and maybe it could be more useful (and also for other modders to use) if it was a new race so that you could place a skeleton and it would be not only equipped with the armour but wearing it. So I'm wondering if things like eyebrows, hair, etc, are engine coded in or if their is a way of ensuring that I get the skull and only the skull (as a head).
Does anyone have experience with this as it might effect the way I apply the skin modifier to the meshes in 3DS Max.