Hello I am creating a mod known as Project Italia and I am looking for talented world editors. I would post a picture but I don't have permission to post links.
Children learn language through interaction and hearing dialogue spoken around them. Most linguists agree on this fact, however the cost of going to a country and living there is quite expensive. Also for languages for Latin and Ancient Greek, this is impossible(with the notable exeption of Vivarium Novum which costs about 6000 US dollars a semester). There is simply no way to go to Ancient Rome and learn Latin from Cicero. Well until now. This mod is set in about 113 BCE right before the Marian Reforms. The Gaulish tribes of Cimbri and the Teutons are encroaching on Italy. The Roman Republic is terrified that the Gallic tribes will crush the Republic. The Romans will never create an Empire if this happens. Luckily a man named Gaius Marius is there to help the Romans defeat the Gallic scourge. But is that the way you will make history go?
The Cimbrian War was one of the most bloody and "terror cimbricus" became almost proverbial. The Cimbri's and Teutons were Scandinavian tribes who migrated down toward Italy through Germania and Gaul at the time of the Late Roman Republic. They on the way started conquering tribes like the Boli and were considered very powerful. It terrified the Roman people because they rarely lost battles due to their superior organization to most barbarian and civilized armies. These barbarians however were much more organized than most barbarians they have faced off against. They followed a Greek model, were they lined up in simply the biggest phalanx they could amass. Unfortunately you cannot really script that into the Skyrim Engine reliably. So they will fight it more of a Skyrim model. Freeform.
Aural and response based learning is well documented as some the best methods to learn a language. Immersion usually speeds up the learning process to only about 6 months for speaking. Skyrim allows all of these methods to incorporate in proactive method. The games books also help reinforce the reading aspect by making it essential to ones own understanding of what is going on. The only thing is that you have to introduce the concept quickly, as if dumping someone in cold water. They need to shocked and need to use the language. And furthermore, they need to hear it. Hence, I have sought about getting people who have worked on there pronunciation extensively or speak a Romance language and know the language well enough so there accent isn't overly obvious. Plenty of people find learning very mundane and boring but what if you were killing "milites" or "barbari". What if I asked you to get me some "lac" and you brought back some cheese? I would be upset and you would be able to tell that it wasn't what I wanted. You would learn intuitively through responses and interaction. Through questing and adventuring you would learn a language.
I am working on scripting, NPC development, questing, and a lot of the translation. Hence, I am necessarily going to not only have to do things that I am simply not good at. This is where you can help. I simply need world editing helped with. I create interiors fairly easily but exterior cell editing is very difficult for me. I simply do not have the talent for it. If you speak a Romance language or know Latin, then we could use voice actors as well. We currently only have 3 voice actors, and only one of them is female. Hence, no matter how much we edit our voices there is going to quite of similarities.
(I am sorry if my English isn't perfect, it is not my native tongue)