Hello, I'm working on a mod that adds a number of small function calls onto vanilla dialogue. I'd rather not overwrite the scripts currently in place for obvious reasons.
Is there a way to add additional scripts/fragments (beyond the begin/end scripts), perhaps via the right panel on topic info? (Haven't had success.)
Is there an event/function I would use to get something like the code below functioning? The documentation for topic/topic info seems to be pretty limited.
ScriptName cifEvent_001 extends TopicInfo; The player has tricked Camilla by giving her Sven's fake letter.; Medium hit to Honesty.Function ArbitraryFunctionOrEvent() cifMain.cifInfluence("CIF001", 3, -3.0)EndFunction
Because everything else is working, if I throw it into the ending fragment it works fine, but I don't want to maintain a bajillion compatibility patches for other mods that might affect the same scripts.