I recently purchased the Steam version of Morrowind: GOTY Edition, and I would like to know what mod combination I should use for the maximum number and quality of bugfixes. I am not new to Beth's games, and I know that there are unofficial patches to both Oblivion and Fallout 3, so naturally I looked at the Morrowind Patch Project first, but that seems to be stagnated at version 1.65b ever since Quarn left. Now: I've already downloaded that, but I looked at the official forum thread for it, and apparently there were some bugs that it caused which were unaddressed by Quarn, so a member released a mini-patch which fixed those. I downloaded that patch but I'm not sure whether I should use it?
Also: is this "Morrowind Code Patch" supposed to be used as a complement to the MPP? What other patches / fixes should I get? I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by the incoherence of the bugfixes released for this game, since the ones for Oblivion and Fallout 3 are all wrapped up in a single package bearing the name of "The Unofficial __ Patch", whereas with Morrowind it seems that there are a million smaller bugfixes in addition to the major project most recently pioneered by Quarn.
Thanks in advance!