Filling aliases issue

Post » Sat Jan 10, 2015 4:42 am

Hello guys.

I've a weid issue with filling aliases.
I'm using the method "Find Matching Reference" with "in Loaded Area" and "closest" enabled.
The condition for filling is "GetIsObjectType". "Optional" is enabled.

I'm trying to fill three aliases with containers in the world like barrels, sacks, chests, etc.
The quest seems to be not able to find any container in the world even if are on sight of the player.

If I change the condition from GetIsObjectType == Container to another like GetIsObjectType == Door then it works.

The question is: Way doesn't works with containers?

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Post » Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:05 am

Isn't the closest container to the player always the player? I'm not sure if there's a type that only matches non-Actor containers, so you may need a compound condition to exclude actors.
I'm not sure if you can fill three distinct aliases with 'closest" as the first found would fill all three, wouldn't it? Or is that what stops the player being chosen?
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Post » Sat Jan 10, 2015 11:21 am

Since the "optional" flag is enable, the quest ins't stopped after starting it. When I launch "sqv" command, the aliases are alla empty. If you are right, then at least one alias will be filled with the player reference but not.

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