Just a little research as to ascertain what 3D modelling package was used to create all the Objects within Fallout 3. For instance if I wanted to model a whole new 'KIT' for a vault of my own design ! I've seen posts mentioning Maya and Blender and I have some previous experience with Blender so if I can edit and create models for use within fallout that would be great. Also where are all the models stored. For instance I'm looking at the Windmill01 Model which I would like to 'Fix Up'.Where could I load it from ! Maybe replace the fins and have it animated ? Is this possible. Id expect the wasteland to be a windy place due to the climate change!!! And then maybe have it connected to a generator model, as I suspect petrol/diesel to be in VERY short supply so I could have my own renewable energy power source ! Basically I'm wanting to build my own little Impregnable, Self Reliant, Self Sustaining, Fort in the wasteland like everyone else! Eg Big town, Megaton etc but on a smaller scale. I'm like a hermit living on the fringes of society in real life anyway However I'm just starting with the basics and working on my Megaton Home. Here I want to 'Fix' my locker doors. Theres plenty in the wasteland so I think people would have scavenged extra doors to fix their lockers !!!! This is the sort of thing I want to be capable of doing !
So what 3D software should I Start with ? Blender Maya or another ?
What did the developers use ?
Your help is of course much appreciated and gratefully received.