So.. I got fed up with how useless cooking and hunting was to me and decided to re-vamp them a little. I'm still figuring out how I want his balanced but feel free to give feedback.
Better profit and use from hunting and cooking.
Feedback/suggestions are always welcome.
It'd take a lot of space to document every change so I'll sum it all up:
Prices of food and in some cases weight have been altered to reflect weight/price of ingrediants.
In general all food items follow these guides-
All meat products give you health (Over time for raw, instant for cooked)
All seafood/dairy products gives magicka (Over time for raw, instant for cooked)
All other base ingredients give stamina over time.
All prepared foods give buffs based upon the food that make it.
Animal hides/drops have been re-valued and weighted. All hides now have a value back-calculated from Leather (I worked out the amount of leather to make a Cuirass and re-values leather accordingly).
Leather now weighs .5lb and costs 25 gold.
All hides now have a value based on weight, 20 gold per .5lb. With bonuses based on how hard to kill the animal is. The amount of leather tanned is based upon the weight too.
Mammoth tusks have a massive boost to price given how hard they are to kill.
This is based on not having perks/not using enchanted gear/not smithing e.t.c. - just base gear. (Seriously, you try kill a mammoth with steel armour/weapons with no enchants/boosts/potions/tempering)
Saved this till last as its most boring 

Mod created