I had the Main Hall and Garden built for Lakeview Manor but then began and completed Heljarchen Hall because I wanted that to be my "main" house. I then did the basic steps for Windstad Manor but when I went back to Lakeview Manor, it wouldn't let me add new wings. Whatever option I selected would just disappear and reappear real quick and not add to the house. I found out that it was sending my options (i.e. Alchemy Tower) to Windstad Manor. I tried building all the wings for Windstad then trying Lakeview again but no luck.
I need to know if there's console commands to add the wings manually before I go back to the save I made before building Heljarchen Hall. I would really not like to have to start all over again because of how long it took to build that house. It's PC, so I'm sure there's some way around the bug.