» Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:48 pm
Just 3 additions I suggest to this amazing compilation of mods,ideas and tweaks:
-1 second with 100% block chance is a bit too long, if you ask me 0.5s is much better, maybe even lower, otherwise you can always time your blocks too easily and block EVERYTHING. Also, strip out the 0.5s you mention that is needed for the 100% block chance to trigger after you start keeping sneak key pressed.
-a very important tweak: make stamina matter: set penalties to the player character according to how much stamina is left. In my setup,I used Adul advanced combat's penalty portion as a framework,and tweaked it in the CS to assign gradual penalties and vulnerabilities to the player...fighting becomes a series of tactical choices then,because you can not spam blocks or power attacks-thanks to this Logitech mod, they consume much stamina,even though Logitech could also make stamina consumption triple and not only double.-... if you do not apply stamina penalties, instead, players will be able to spam blocks and power attacks, since stamina does not have the strong meaning it had before,since with this mod you can always hit...
-just a question for you: creatures are also affected,right?I mean,they have 100% hit chance and have the damage resistance to whatever weapon you have drawn,according to your weapon skill in that weapon,right?-higher resistance if you have low skill,lower if you have higher.
-I advise to use Combat enhanced mod together with this mod for the best experience.It is important for an other tweak too:enemies will block very often with this Logitech mod,so MW Enhanced and Combat enhanced let you halve their block chance-just read Combat Enhanced readme in order to do that.
Have a look at Hitto Combat Enhanced mods too,and tweak them in order to accomodate 100% hit chance-so,in the CS everytime you find edits to attack bonus,change that to Strength bonus.
These Hitto mods let you have more tactical options in combat than just Combat Enhanced perks combos-you will be able to do jump attacks and charge attacks.Tweak attack bonus and set Strength bonus,as I said earlier.
Add Stealth enhanced mod for stealth, and you have a modern game even for that. Accommodate bonuses for stealth attacks even in that mod,though.