Sorry if this isn't the right place, I couldn't find anyone to email and the readme suggests one post here, so here I am.
Because I use Galsiah's Character Development, anything that messes with attributes irks me because I always have to take off equips then cast restore (which often drains my Magicka to zero for some reason, even though I have over 1000 pts -- probably because of one of the 200 other mods I got running), etc. Anti-immersive, methinks. Hence, in my copy of NOM I changed things as such, which took much thought as there's a dearth of negative status effects that make sense:
? Inebriation adds significant accumulating Sound and Blind.
About the only one that "makes real-world sense".
? Sleep deprivation adds small but rapidly accumulating Damage Fatigue.
Kind of annoying after waking up and your Fatigue levels are drained to zero -- to the point where I had to disable the stamina scripts -- but to justify.. err, I mean, thinking about it a bit one isn't exactly ready to jump around the first several moments after dragging oneself out of bed, no? Also, at the final three levels it adds a small, constant Damage Health, to simulate how life-threatening a week of sleep deprivation really is.
? Hunger adds small accumulating Burden.
This is the one I ran out of ideas for. I guess you could say one is weak from hunger, doubling over, or whatever. At the final three levels, it also adds small amounts of constant Damage Health for the same reason as above.
? Thirst adds very small accumulating Weakness to Fire, Frost, Shock, Poison, and Magicka.
I admit I was resisting just throwing Sound and Blind on all these effects, so I had to do some real head-scratching to figure out what everything but drunkenness did. And I know I at least feel quite vulnerable to the elements without liquid for long periods. Third instance of going too long and you're constantly under Damage Health, though to be honest it takes way longer than it would IRL to die of thirst. But this may be a case of Fun Trumps Reality because it'd svck to die because someone forgot to buy apple juice while under an oath of silence. And ignored all the pools of water along the way.
Screenshots detailing exact changes -- "error, you do not have permission to post links" NEVERMIND! *throws hands in air*
Again, sorry for the "hay lookit meeee" public post but I couldn't find the original mod-makers' emails, and thus figured it'd be inappropriate to private message Wrye about it. I guess.