I've constructed a dry dock which has a water plane player can raise or lower - all works fine. Issue I have is with immersion. When it is raining you can see the rain falling on the ocean but not on the water plane, see shot...
... looks weird eh? The solution I thought of, albeit not perfect, is to add a drip effect like what is used in caves and dungeons - a big one! I don't know whether this will work but I am trying. I've having trouble scripting this, I kind of mashed some parts together, haven't compiled it because I know it will fail. Here is what I am attempting...
Import WeatherObjectReference Property PlaneRef AutoWeather Property WeatherNow AutoInt Property HighLevelRef AutoFloat ZnowWeatherNow = Weather.GetCurrentWeather()Event onActivate(objectReference akActivator)Float Znow = HighLevelRef.GetPositionz()If Znow == HighLevel.GetPositionz() && WeatherNow == 1; rainy; do stuffEndIfElse; do nothingEndEvent
I have no idea if it will work (current state it won't of course) so help please. Any other ideas and suggestions to fix this are very welcome. Thanks.