So, I've been looking pretty desperately for someone to test this who isn't me. I wasn't successful - so get it, I guess. I'll put out an actual version 1.0 when someone else can claimed to have played this.
Basically every official map, starting with the paper map shipped
with the Morrowind Games of the Year edition up to the paper map
shipped with The Elder Scrolls Anthology places the island of
Solstheim roughly above Vvardenfell's north- western coast, with the
southern tip slight above the southernmost Sheogorad islands.
This is a remarkable consistent location in a game series that regularly
changes cities' names, disappears them or moves them around the map.
The only problem is that this is not where Solstheim is located in the
game itself. It's too far to the west and south.
It becomes even more problematic as soon as the western landmass of
Tamriel Rebuilt is considered - Solstheim almost blocks the harbor of
Baan Malur (Blacklight) and is a spitting distance from both Greenhold
and Ystralond.
For an island that is considered a far-off backwater where
legionnaries are sent as punishment, this is obviously nonsense.
Anthology Solstheim places the island where the maps up to the
Anthology one agree it should be: 7 cells to the east, 5 cells to the
north of its in-game position. In addition, the landscape changes
of Bloodmoon Overhaul have been included (but not the meshes and
textures as well as the changes to interior cells).
Copy the esp into your Morrowind\Data Files Folder and activate it
in the launcher or your Mod Manager of choice.
Owing to the large-scale cell movement and internal Object Reference
renumbering, Anthology Solstheim is basically incompatible with
everything that touches Bloodmoon.
If the mod in question is not in the list below, it is probably
incompatible without patches/an edited version.
* Less Generic Bloodmoon, but it must load after Anthology Solstheim.
* The changes of the Unofficial Morrowind Patch that were overwritten by
the cell changes have been carried forward (this includes dialogue changes).
This means that the patch can be used without problems.
Patches/Edits available:
* Tamriel Rebuilt Alpha Build 14.08 has landscaping issues in a single
cell, a patch is located in the Extras folder.
* An esm containing the interior cell changes of Bloodmoon Overhaul v1.1
is located in the Extras folder. All other files are to be taken from
Bloodmoon Overhaul itself.
Confirmed Incompatible:
* Felsaad Revamped
* Frostmoth Docks Expanded
* Frostmoth Repaired
* Frostmoth Update
* Morrowind Patch Compilation
* Morrowind Patched
* New Hirstaang Forest
* Sea of Solstheim
* Solstheim Castle
* Solstheim Lighthouse
* Solstheim Mages Tower
* The Neverhalls
* The White Wolf of LoKKen
* Tomb of the Snow Prince
* ULS Solstheim
The Elder Scrolls, Morrowind, etc. are property of Bethesda Softworks.
As usual, I am standing on the shoulder of giants.
Credits and thanks go to:
Lightwave for TESFaith,
Slartibartfast for Bloodmoon Overhaul,
The countless people who made and improved the Unofficial Morrowind Patches,
The Tamriel Rebuilt Team for Tamriel Rebuilt.
Uploads currently
Uploads in the future
Great House Fliggerty (waiting for v1.0)