How many saves can I have?
I have a total of 15 (plus about 3 strategic) rotating saves. I make a new one, then delete old ones that don't matter anymore.
I am currently on Save #1079. Will it go up to 9999 and then roll over or what?
How many saves can I have?
I have a total of 15 (plus about 3 strategic) rotating saves. I make a new one, then delete old ones that don't matter anymore.
I am currently on Save #1079. Will it go up to 9999 and then roll over or what?
i would imagine it should hold as many as you make, up until the point your HDD is full
I'm asking, because there was a numbering issue with Oblivion. Yeah, I had that many saves when I first discovered the game.
Just curious, because my character is level 34, and is just starting to blossom, into a great character. I forsee many more adventures with this character, and don't want his story hindered by a system that I do not understand and therefore am not prepared to handle, should I get up into the nether regions of save file numbers.
I do not want to lead you astray
I play on PC, not the XBox as you do. I have gone up to saves in the hundreds, but not 4 digit save numbers yet. On my PC, after each session, I move my save files to a "character folder", which keeps my "general save area" clean.
I do not know how this compares to the XBox system, though, so do not want to advise you incorrectly Can you use a flash stick to move old save files?
Yes, I can. I do have ample space on the HDD though. What I mean is, what is the maximum number of saves? If my save was #1999, and then it switches back to save number one, would the game not recognize or come up with an error.
For example: When you get to save #999 on Oblivion, say you are done for the night, and you want to save your character, so you save and put away and come back the next day. The next time you load from last save, you find yourself replaying, the last save. All that progress that you thought you saved, is not there, because the game does not recognize a rollover back to Save #001. So with that game, I had to delete all the saves, and when I would make a new save, it would save at save #001 or 2 or a lower number. But the game always wants to go back to 999, so you never get to load your save, and your game is effectively over.
I was curious if someone had rolled over the save odometer, and was still able to play. This is a Bethesda game after all, and probably one of the buggiest games I've played by Bethesda to date. Crash after crash after crash. So I save constantly now, which is why I have a large save file number, though my character is only level 34.
Ah... I got ya now. Just started Fallout: New Vegas and when I went to save, saw "0/1000 Saves used." Now I am curious, too