so, it seems in the past few years Horror Games have gone through a bit of a Renaissance.. be it Five Nights at Freddy's, Slender, Amnesia, Outlast, P.T. etc..
they seem to sell quite more than such games would have a decade ago, and more of them (many Indie titles) are showing up...
am I the only one who does not find any of these "Horror Games" appealing at all? I see people always talking all over the net about how scary they are, but they have never frightened me at all (although I have gotten a few "well, thats just gross" moments)...
I don't see them as scary at all, I just find them to be games with a slightly dark atmosphere and slightly sub-par gameplay mechanics..
Can someone explain to me why Horror games are such a "big thing" these days? because I really don't seem to understand the appeal..