What made your character decide to come to skyrim? Was it Adventure? Running from your past? post some screenshots if you want, and tell us why the came to skyrim.
My Breton Cade Ravencrest, never liked Magic or had any use for it. He usually looks down on magic as evil, prefering blade to magic. He joined the Imperial legion, when he came of age. He left and and became a Templar of Stendar. Overseeing the Execution of Ulfric, (ignore the fact about the execution) but that was disrupted the dragon attack. Seeing Dragon's as evil he is now a Dragon Hunter/ Templar.
I used this character online for Cade Ravencrest i just changed the hairstyle and skin tone.
http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/615805-the-elder-scrolls-v-skyrim/63804458 is the website where is found the pics and sliders for him