This is something I have been struggling with for a rather long time. During my teen years and early 20s, I proudly wore the title "Gamer" I championed it in the face of withering social stigma and open condemnation and mockery from my peers, both in education and work. I even published a note on my Facebook page in late 2011 expressing my exasperation and distaste at being labeled not only a social outcast, but being at risk for becoming a violent deviant. (Found here: Unfortunately, It seems the mockery and condemnation has only become worse in the intervening years, especially post Gamergate. So my question is this; Are you comfortable being called a Gamer? Why and why not?
(On a side and sort of related note, how do you feel about gamer mockery of "Filthy Casuals"? I've seen enough "Feking Casuals" posts to know that this is a part of our culture that needs to go. But I'm curious how the rest of our community feels about this. Matt Helgeson's 2014 article changed my opinion on how I view gamers and gaming in general. article here: