So I did.
My question for everyone who sees this is : who is possibly the most terrifying character in the games?
I'd try answering myself, but I'm drawing up a blank. I thought at first it was the Daedra of course. . . But what do we not know about Daedra? They are murderous beings who live in their realms of oblivion. It's not so scary once you know about them and what they can do. Maybe Sithis or the Night Mother, but we know at least something about them. Maybe the scariest person in the game has to be evil?
As Excalibur would say, "Fools!"
Does the scariest person HAVE to be evil? No, it doesn't. I think that the divines are the scariest in the game.
First, they created the mortal realm, yes? They can take it back just as easily, whereas Daedra can't destroy; they can only invade under odd circumstances, proven with TES IV : Oblivion. Yes, they can invade BUT they can't destroy.
Aedra can. They can do what they want, everyone worships them, but what do we really know about them, how did they come to be?
Oh, but they protect us! They do so much good!
Yes, but think of how many lives they would take to ensure Nirn's safety? Hundreds? Thousands, maybe even millions, and let's not forget all the other continents on Nirn. The barren desert, the icy wasteland, deadly tropicals, and many other continents on Nirn undiscovered! If the divines weren't to be suspected, explain why Tamriel is the only place considered habitable? If Tamriel is cursed with the same fates as the other continents, I bet the divines would just watch as the citizens of Tamriel squirm and writhe to survive.
There are so many possibilities, but just keep what I said in mind, and sorry for the rantings.
Back on track, who do you think is the most terrifying thing, character, or whatever in the game? What's your reason?