I would first try vanilla skyrim, to see what's going on with the screen goes dark.
Also do you get, the same problem on other games. ???
Have you altered any skyrim ini files ???
Could it be your monitor ??? (proper adjustment)
Sounds like the gamma is too low for your tastes. Either a mod is causing it to be more 'realistic' or the default setting too low for you.
You can try modifying the SkyrimPrefs.ini (in Documents\my games\skyrim)
Edit the following line to 1.0000 or 1.2000.
i tried it but it become more dark
i really wnt to show you guys the screenshot and video i made
please help me
I will post the link from the image and the problematic video from the OP.
That looks like eye adaptation. Are you using an ENB series?
Go Patriots!!
I want to uninstall you game that way:
First do a standard uninstall. (Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Features-> Uninstall The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)
Next, delete your skyrim folder under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\
Then delete your Skyrim directory under Documents/ My Games after backing up your save files if you wish.
Then under C:\Users\[Your Username]\AppData\Local\ - Delete the Skyrim folder that is in it.
(You should enable to see the hidden files under windows to delete that folder.) HOW: (View - Options - Folder Options - View - Advanced Settings: Show hidden files, folders and drives)
Use Ccleaner after all this (http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner), and install your game again, from scratch. !!!!
You don't need to uninstall Steam.
Also i want a DXDIAG from your computer configuration.
See if you have the latest drivers installed !!!
If you are using a HDMI 1.4 cable, it could be the cause. Also i would suggest you, to use another HDMI cable.
and last but not least, i would try a DVI or VGA cable as well.
See you tomorrow, it's too late, and tomorrow i have a lot of work to do. lol
i suggested that too,(he sent me a PM) - but he did a clean installation without mods, and the same problem persist.
It could be HDR related, therefore the brightness fluctuation.
However, I have found this: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2263292&highlight=HDR
Hallo, Níeh?ggr - i thing we need your help again !!! http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?s=1223db76354f6e5a6c164f2f89d902d7&&app=forums&module=extras§ion=legends#
Yes, this is Eye Adaptation 'feature' using HDR (I think). It is present in Vanilla Skyrim and is working as intended, although it many people dislike it. There are mods that can disable the effect or at least minimize it:
Mod Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=7840
Basically whenever there is a sudden change it light, it will take a few seconds to normalize (sort of like real life). Stare at the sun (or bright area of the sky) [in SKYRIM] and move the mouse quickly to the ground, it will go black (or very dark) for a few seconds.
edit: Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huXWXAxou9Q
http://www.gamesas.com/user/351892-ni%C3%B0hoggr/ just solve my other problem and its the sudden total darkness on the screen
thank you
http://www.gamesas.com/user/731585-mark41/ thank you also for helping me
but the dark thing is still there
for example the gate in the whiterun , when i look at the door far away the quality gets good which means the dark thing is removed but when i get closed the dark thing appears in the sides of the gate
i could provide you the video if you want
Also you wanna try this: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/31593/?
It may fix your problem.
You said, you have the same problem with an unmodded skyrim.
However, it's funny why that happens on vanilla skyrim as well. Never encountered that before.
And believe me, you make fairly fast moves if you fight some vampires in front of Whiteruns gate. I would notice that.
What other problem are you talking about? From your post on the Nexus website, both the washed out black shadow on your companion and the gate area general darkness is the HDR effect. The torches near the gate are the main light source causing the shadowing effect. This effect has a limited range around the light sources (i.e. torches) so when you move far away from the gate the torches don't affect you, so you don't get the same shadow mask. Note: There is a really strong dark shadowing aura in the dead-center of the torches and if you walk a bit away from that, the effect is significantly less.
This issue is more pronounced at night, when light sources are present.
If I am missing your problem, sorry.
w0w you almost know everything
ya basically that dark thing in the clothes , faces and gates , so how do i remove it?
i found a mod that completely remove the eye adaptation but how about that dark mask or something?
btw u use necromancery as spell