Warrior ArcherRanger build suggestions?

Post » Fri Feb 06, 2015 1:04 pm

Hello all, first post here. My absolute favorite approach to combat in the Elder Scrolls has been archery, but I have done the Thieve's Guild and Dark Brotherhood questlines so many times that I am sick of sneaking. I guess I'm just having trouble envisioning what path my new archer will take in Skyrim. I have in mind archery, of corse; one-handed, perhaps a war-axe and a dagger combo; alchemy a must, learning to live off the land as rangers are wont to do; light armor for it's great perks and aesthetic appearence. I have not downloaded the expansions yet as I have been experimenting with different charachters. I want my archer to have his adventuring days in Vanilla before he goes off to hunt vampires with that sweet crossbow and Dawngaurd armor. Anyone have input on what would make a mostly non-sneak archer more enjoyable and immersive to play? Thank you!

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victoria johnstone
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Post » Fri Feb 06, 2015 5:51 am

Hi - welcome to the forums! Have a fishy stick: http://images.uesp.net/c/c4/Fishystick.jpg(it's a tradition)

You could use conjuration or a follower to throw up a distraction while you snipe from a distance. I've played an archer before that didn't sneak. You have to just tough it out with higher health, better AC and devastating damage. Slow is a great poison, as is paralyze (very easy to make). You can pretty boldly clean out the baddies without sneaking.

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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Fri Feb 06, 2015 4:19 pm

You could look at the Ranger character in my signature (and avatar) for some ideas, maybe.

My Ranger uses a bow for ranged combat (now has a Dragonbone bow and arrows), and a single sword (now a dragonbone sword...was a silver sword for the longest time) for up-close encounters. He essentially wears no armor and only has his Block skill for damage reduction. He does sneak, but only to get off the first arrow as a sneak attack, then it's either let loose a barrage of arrows or go toe-to-toe in melee combat. He also uses alchemy for damage-over-time poisons, which are perfect for dragons.

It a lot of fun and challenge at times, especially if you encounter a group of mages and/or archers..

PS: Welcome to the forum. Someone will be by shortly with your complimentary Fishy Stick ™

Edit: Ninja'd on the Fishy Stick™

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Big Homie
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Post » Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:41 am

Fishy Stick is trademarked?

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Jani Eayon
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Post » Fri Feb 06, 2015 6:14 am

No, it's just a joke.

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Post » Fri Feb 06, 2015 3:50 am

My female orc barbarian is similar to a ranger so she could give ideas. She uses light armor (forsworn & fur), dual one-handed axes (orcish battle-axes), archery (orcish bow), alchemy, sneak, smithing.
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:18 am

:wink: - sorry, I have a publications background so I take these things seriously by reflex.

I also like your no-armor approach. I using the same thing now but supplementing with the Alteration Dragonhide spell. It works pretty well but I'm trying to improve one-handed so I'm using a steel dagger. Sometimes, the spell wears off and I gotta switch quickly to a dragonbone sword or dagger in a hurry.

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Susan Elizabeth
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Post » Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:12 am

There is a mod called Nernies Tangier pack you might want to do.

I run archers by preference but have never done the thieves guild or dark brotherhood quests. I find sneak useful in clearing dungeons. There are the companion quests which offer a good selection of radiant quests. The college of winter hold quest line is do able with minimum magic use. I usually get by with only healing and a flame atronach doing them. Fetch this book quests from Urag the Librarian send you all over. As does Shalidor's writings.

Also when you are in the towns talk to the various inhabitants they'll have various quests to do. Though you might have to go though all the dialogue options to find it.
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