Okay, this is weird. FNV was working fine yesterday afternoon. Yesterday evening, after work, I decide to get rid of my ENB. So I remove it and all associated files, and re-tweak my ini back to normal (basically just turning Fullscreen back on, and re-enabling normal AA and AS).
When I went to load, I got a black screen, but I could hear the standard opening music playing. So I wait a couple minutes, but nothing happens. I fiddle with the controls, and I can hear the sound of my mouse running over menu options I can't see. So I ALT+F4 it, run FNVEdit, and no errors. So I try again. Same problem.
Since the only thing I changed was my ENB, I re-installed, and re-edited my .INI files, being sure to follow the instructions exactly.
Same problem, only now I get the ENB overlay. WTF? What did I break?