I was wondering if this idea I got would be possible to achieve, and if so, how exactly I'd go about scripting it (I assume I'd need to use scripts). Basically, I'm working on a mod at the moment that adds a new quest and will reward the player at the end with a quite unique piece of armour (specifically a shield). It has an enchantment on it that I created. Except.. it's not an actual enchantment, it uses a script. But anyway, what I wanted is for this 'enchantment' on the shield to be able to be charged. So it's just like any other enchanted weapon (although it's not a weapon obviously) that has a limited number of times it can be used with the effect on it before you need to recharge it. However.. I don't want it to just be able to be charged with soul gems. I was hoping I could use a system where you have to spend dragon souls to charge it back up. But I don't really have a clue how to go about doing that.. I know there are mods out there that let you convert dragon souls into perk points, like 'Dragon Soul Relinquishment', (which I looked at the scripts it uses but didn't really understand them and I got confused), so I'm hoping what I want to do is at least possible. I tried to figure out how vanilla skyrim handles weapon charging, but couldn't see anything in the CK relating to it, so I'm not really sure how this system would even end up being implemented. So.. basically I'm just wondering if anyone knows if this is something that can be done, and if so how'd I'd do it
And even better if someone could actually help me script it, that'd be awesome and I'd be very very grateful and would credit you when the mod is done for helping make it's coolest feature
So yeah, thanks for reading, hope someone can help