This is the Script:
Scriptname RikiPortalLinkScript extends ObjectReference{Links the created portals}Alias Property thisportal AutoAlias Property otherportal AutoObjectReference Property portalA Auto HiddenObjectReference Property portalB Auto HiddenFunction StartChain() RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.5)EndFunctionEvent OnInit() StartChain()EndEventEvent OnUpdate() {if thisportal.TryToEnable() Debug.Notification("thisportal successfully enabled") else Debug.Notification("thisportal couldn't be enabled") endif If otherportal.TryToEnable() Debug.Notification("otherportal successfully enabled") else Debug.Notification("otherportal couldn't be enabled") endif} ;portalA = thisportal.GetReference() ;portalB = otherportal.GetReference();auskommentiert - will nicht funzen If portalA != None Debug.Notification("thisportal reference found") else Debug.Notification("thisportal reference not found") endIf If portalB != None Debug.Notification("otherportal reference found") else Debug.Notification("otherportal reference not found") endIf If portalA.GetDistance(Game.GetPlayer()) <= 15 Debug.PlayerMoveToAndWait(portalB as String) endIfEndEvent
It won't compile, saying that GetReference does not exist or is not a function. I have tried it with having the script extend ReferenceActors or Actors and with importing any of them.
Usually I get this kind of error when I call the function on the wrong type. But documentation says that GetRef gets the ObjectReference an alias points to (if any). So I don't think thats the case here.
Anyone can help?
PS: In the above posted code it's commented out. I know.