I'm trying to expand my Telvanni playthrough, I've played Rise of House Telvanni before, but now that im playing again, i realeased you can combine this withn a few mods and have a grand ol time. However im having trouble finding a mod: Building up Uvirith's Legacy
Heres what i got
Rise of House Telvanni 1.52 : http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/27545
Uvirith's Legacy 3.2 : http://download.fliggerty.com/download-35-884
http://lgnpc.org/ :http://lgnpc.org/downloads
Building Up Uvirith's Legacy : (Update, think i found it) http://mw.modhistory.com/download-47-11851
Extra compatibility for UL and RoHT : http://stuporstar.sarahdimento.com/add-ons/roht/ (no download?) (comes with UL?)
Tamriel Rebuilt add on : http://stuporstar.sarahdimento.com/add-ons/tamriel-rebuilt/ (no download?) (comes with UL?)
Nevena's Twin Lamps and Slave hunters 1.5 : http://mw.modhistory.com/download-65-4457 (Update and has compatibility with RoHT)
This is the plan anyways, any other suggestions or any fun Telvanni tips, tricks or stories? Thank you