[RELz]Cursed Ingredients Redesign (with TR addon)

Post » Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:11 am

Cursed Ingredients Redesign by Moritius

1. What does this mod do?
Despite cursed items have their own script and ID, player can make potions e.g. using two emeralds, cursed one and normal one. This mod changes every vanilla ingredient (and cursed dwemer coin and cursed gold; idk why I left this change there instead delete it, but it remains ;]) and addon changes vanilla + TR ingredients. Now they add normal copy of item and disable itself when summon Dremora Lord.

2. Requirements
Morrowind+Tribunal+Bloodmoon+TR v. 14.08

3. Installing, playing, uninstalling
Copy one file, Cursed Ingredients Redesign.esp (for vanilla) or Cursed Ingredients Redesign TR.esp (for MW+T+B+TR), and check off in launcher's Data Files.
If you want ununstall file, simply delete its esp.

4. Known issues
Incompatibility with mods which also changes these items.

5. Credits
Bethesda for Morrowind

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