what is it with tes5edit and alias locations in packages, that whenever i use one, tes5edit complains:
PACK \ Package Data \ Data Input Values \ Value \ PLDT - Location \ Location Value -> Found a GLOB reference, expected: ACHR,DOOR,NULL,PARW,PBAR,PBEA,PCON,PFLA,PGRE,PHZD,PLYR,PMIS,REFR
the actual global it finds is, for whatever reason, GameMonth (in all cases), and it's in the data input's "reference" line
(so a data input like this reads about like:
ANAM-Type: location
type: alias ( location )
reference: GameDay [GLOB:00000037]
radius: 123
so what do i do here to stop tes5edit (or maybe it's even ck that puts that glob there?) from nagging?
i obviously need no ref whatsoever for my location alias, i can't remove it, (just the whole PLDT), and i don't have the slightest clue why that glob is there or if it's possibly even needed by whatever -
i thought about putting a null in there, but that somehow just doesn't make sense (and sounds like the next set of complaints already anyway)
anybody got any clue what i'm dealing with here?