I was wondering why people bother worshiping the Nine Divines. If everyone goes to Dreamsleeve whenever they die, then they're obviously not going to achieve a greater afterlife than anyone else by worshiping the divines. Thus why I am confused. It may have been misinformation, but I've heard that if the Daedra that daedra worshipers likes them enough, that they'll become part of that daedra's realm forever. However, I have not heard of this happening with the divines.
I suppose there's the possibility of receiving blessings occasionally throughout their lives, but it seems like worshiping the daedra would be of better benefit towards the Nine Divine worshipers. As well, assuming they worshiped no one, there would be more freedom in their lives as to how they could behave and thus they would probably be happier.
Could anyone explain this to me? Thanks.