Greetings everyone! In this thread I will be making several hypothesis, conjectures and possible incorrect conclusions, so feel free to interject. I will be taking a look at each of the major gods of the nordic pantheon and how they have changed from the 3rd Era to the time of TES V. I also have a few questions that I bolded that I would really appreciate some feedback on.
Some background information: While the Imperials are my favorite culture/race, the nordic gods are my favorite TES deities, especially Kyne and Shor. For this reason, you could probably understand why TESV was so disappointing in this respect. When I first went into Whiterun and saw the Temple of Kynareth, my heart sank. Why the [VEHK] is this Nibenean hippie goddess in Skyrim? Where's my Nordic warrior goddess bathing in the blood of elves? At first I thought its was just a translation issue, like how God is Gott in German. However, I then met Froki. Heard his laments. I actually took a long break from the game. It felt like a favorite character in a book series was murdered and set aside for a cheap and generic impostor. The cool nordic gods of the 3rd Era (TES III) have been replaced by boring inoffensive dandies of Imperial origin.
Or is that the case? Let's see.
Alduin, the World Eater / Akatosh
Circa 4th Era: Still nordic. Her depiction in Skyrim is a lot more sixual than in Cyrodiil, due to her being the Bed-Wife of Shor.
Circa 4th Era: So Tsun and Stuhn haven't been worshiped in a really long time, possibly even before the time of great nordic heroes like Tiber Septim and Wulfharth. I previously thought that Nords in previous games worshiped them but apparently thats not the case.
What do you think the average nord thinks about the relationship between Stuhn/Stendarr and Tsun/Zenithar? Tsun obviously still exists and Nords believe they will meet him in Sovngarde so how come they revere Zenithar instead? What do you think Stuhn and Tsun think about having practically no recognition amongst the sons and daughters of Skyrim?
Circa 4th Era: Very Nordic. Unlike in Cyrodiil's Mara, who is preparing a bear hug, Skyrim's Mara is crying over a basin with Skyrim etched into it (Allusion: crying over the corpse of Shor?) arms outstretched and head looking upward in a "why me?!" position. This fits very nicely with her role as the Tear-Wife of Shor. Even a REDGUARD acknowledges this role.
Circa 4th Era: See Tsun
Circa 4th Era: The crux of my initial complaint. Kyne and Kynareth both deal with nature but Kyne is a lot more complex. Kyne is a paragon goddess of nordic warriors and (AFAIK) spriggans are servants of Kyne (I think it said this in Bloodmoon, plus the fact that spriggans guarded Kynareth's shrine in KotN, please correct me if I'm wrong). Yet the only people who are confirmed Kyne worshipers is Froki. However, its very possible that Kyne and Kynareth have merged for the average Nord, taking attributes of both goddesses. The Greybeards use the two names interchangeably in explaining the history of the Thuum. A redguard, Maramal, believes in the role Kyne has in the worship of the gods and invokes her name in his proselytizing. Perhaps most Nords now worship a nature goddess named Kynareth, but is distinct in that she is Shor's wife and gifted the Thuum to the nords to fight their enemies.
What do you think the nords of the 4th Era think of Kyne? Is she completely abandoned in favor of an Imperial goddess or did the two merge? Or do you think they worship both at the same time, with Kynareth being a nature goddess and Kyne being a hunting goddess? Would you say people in eastern Skyrim are more likely to worship Kyne? Would it be lore friendly to have an open air temple to Kyne still visited by worshipers?
Circa 4th Era: A ancient nordic god that was adopted by proto-Cyrodiilics and then came back north as Julianos, duties essentially unchanged. Its more like grumpy Jhunal went on a vacation to sunny Cyrodiil, came back to Skyrim de-stressed and with a suntan. Stopped being worshipped as Jhunal a LONG time ago.
Circa 4th Era: So here's one of my hitch ups. Shor has no temples, no priests, no shrines, and is invoked mostly in taunts and curses (Shor have mercy on you! Shor's bones! By Shor!). Being one of my favorite gods, I hated how I couldn't wear some kind of amulet or wield some kind of blade in honor of him like the aedra or daedra. However, even the most Imperialized of Nords believe that when they die in battle, they will go to his realm, Sovngarde. One theory I read is that Nords believe Shor has no power over Nirn and so Nords don't bother with him outside of making sure to die in battle, not even a pre-battle oath or prayer to him. I personally don't like this idea, as according to The Aetherium Wars, Nords believed Shor was responsible for the disappearance of the Dwemer, so they obviously believe he can interfere in mortal affairs.
What do you think the nords think of Shor? Apathy? Reverence? Respect? Unorganized Worship? Would it be lore-friendly to roleplay as a "nordic paladin" for Shor in 4th Era Skyrim? What would make him different from say a Cyrodiilic paladin?