The strenght itself, aside more damage ofc, it won't. But, adding race based animations and combat mechanics MAY enhance the gameplay and give the races the distinctive feel and flavour that they so desperately need.
Like I said, There doesn't needs to be a ton other of animations or combat mechanics, but having an Orc for example wielding a 2 handed warhammer in one hand only, because of his prodigious orc strength ( and if you chose the perk for him ) would be a nice- addon.
In my opinion, I think Bethesda is limiting the races far too much, wether it's due to the fact that the ES games are mostly focused to appeal to the massess, and such are more simple in design, or they just can't be bothered to improve gameplay radically.
How silly is that Argonians who are pretty much water based creatures have no option to fight underwater or launch sneak attacks from the water itself? Hey water-breathing is fine, but any race can obtain a waterbreathing amulet or craft one, or use a spell. It's exactly this that kills any feels of distinction that a race has, because in the end they will all look the same wearing a full set of heavy armor, and they will all have exactly the same animations. What difference is there but a single or two racial perk? Not much. How will you distinguish from a khajit or a dunmer in full plate armor with a helmet on? You can't. But with added animations and combat mechanics, YOU COULD.
What I'm suggesting is general overhaul to all skills in game, where they would not be restricted by classess or anything, BUT some unique animations, combat mechanics and so on could be exclusive to the specific race.
As for why a nord in cyrodill would have access to these combat mechanics and animations, who cares? Your typical nord doesn't runs around in full daedric plate and yet it's one of the most commonly used armors in the game. The point is that you create what you want, with some of the logical advantages that lore states about the races.
Skyrim doesn't discriminates btw different kinds of Nords, wether they lived all of their lives in Cyrodill, i don't know Hammerfell or wherever, they would still have 50& resistance to cold. Why? Because they're nords, and gameplay elements would dictate so, not lore that much.
Same, great game isn't it?
I have all characters on level 5 currently aside for Jester <.< I think full version of the game should shorty follow.