@utumno Hope im allowed to reply, but yes you were right, something was a tad wrong with my python install and reinstalling it fixed it. Thanks
Reposted from http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1510638-wrye-bash-thread-101/?p=23911501...
The information so far has been very helpful. However, I noticed that the code for the Oblivion records and the patcher for Actors which covers the Actors.ACBS Bash Tag was not changed between 304.3 and 304.4. Which means that although there is a definite change in the Bash Patch as viewed in TES4Edit, and an obvious change in game, the code for Wrye Bash did not change in regards to any of the records or the patchers. So in essence, Utumno can't go back and compare the code and then offer a fix for it because again, there was no change in the code. So the question is, what changed?
Bash Tags, Fig 1.
* Update.esm* From Manual (if any this overrides Description/LOOT sourced tags): C.Encounter, C.Location, Delev, Invent, Names, Stats* From LOOT Masterlist and or userlist: C.Location, Delev, Invent, Relev* Result: C.Encounter, C.Location, Delev, Invent, Names, Stats * Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp* From Manual (if any this overrides Description/LOOT sourced tags): C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.ImageSpace, C.Light, C.Location, C.Music, C.Name, C.Owner, C.Water, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Relev, Sound, Stats* From Description: C.Acoustic, C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.ImageSpace, C.Light, C.Location, C.Music, C.Name, C.Owner, C.Water, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Relev, Sound, Stats* From LOOT Masterlist and or userlist: C.Acoustic, C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.ImageSpace, C.Light, C.Location, C.Music, C.Name, C.Owner, C.Water, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Relev, Sound, Stats* Result: C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.ImageSpace, C.Light, C.Location, C.Music, C.Name, C.Owner, C.Water, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Relev, Sound, Stats * Dawnguard.esm* From LOOT Masterlist and or userlist: C.Location, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound* Result: C.Location, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound * Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp* From Description: C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.Location, C.Name, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound, Stats* From LOOT Masterlist and or userlist: C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.Location, C.Name, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound, Stats* Result: C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.Location, C.Name, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound, Stats * HearthFires.esm* From LOOT Masterlist and or userlist: C.Location, Graphics, Invent* Result: C.Location, Graphics, Invent * Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp* From Description: C.Climate, C.Location, C.Owner, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound* From LOOT Masterlist and or userlist: C.Climate, C.Location, C.Owner, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound* Result: C.Climate, C.Location, C.Owner, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound * Dragonborn.esm* From LOOT Masterlist and or userlist: C.Location, Graphics, Invent, Names* Result: C.Location, Graphics, Invent, Names * Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp* From Description: C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.Location, C.Music, C.Name, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound, Stats* From LOOT Masterlist and or userlist: C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.Location, C.Music, C.Name, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound, Stats* Result: C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.Location, C.Music, C.Name, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Sound, Stats * ArcadiasCauldtron.esp* From Manual (if any this overrides Description/LOOT sourced tags): Names* Result: Names * JSwordsDistributionBalancePlugin.esp* From LOOT Masterlist and or userlist: Delev, Relev* Result: Delev, Relev * Executor.esp* From Manual (if any this overrides Description/LOOT sourced tags): Relev* Result: Relev * Radiant and Unique Potions Poisons and BOOZE.esp* From Manual (if any this overrides Description/LOOT sourced tags): Graphics* Result: Graphics
Good because I was about to post something in response to this.
I was going to post this:
C:\Python27\pythonw.exe Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw -d
By the way, Whats the difference between python.exe and pythonw.exe? It launches fine with both, which is why i ask the difference between the two? Thanks for the help anyway btw
This is covered in Q3, Q4, and Q5. Even if you use BOSS, if using 304.4 or higher both LOOT and BOSS are required. If there are any differences in the Bash Tags from either the masterlist.txt or the taglist.txt and their respective yaml counterparts then the Bash Tags applied will be different. That should be rare and all I am saying is that it can happen and how it will effect things.
When using WB 304.4 or higher for Oblivion and there are differences, Bash Tags would have to be applied manually because the BOSS information is never looked at. So if mhahn is updating the BOSS masterlist and you want those changes then you have to stay with 304.3 or lower for Oblivion. If you use 304.4 or higher and you want the changes mhahn has applied to the BOSS masterlist to be accessed by 304.4 or higher then mhahn would have to add/edit/adjust the bash tags for the LOOT masterlist as well.
Now one thing I noticed is that with 304.4 there is one line in bish.py that still looks at the BOSS masterlist.txt and the taglist.txt.
@mainfuncdef createTagList(inPath='masterlist.txt',outPath='taglist.txt'): tags, bossDirtyMods = {}, {} reFcomSwitch = re.compile('^[<>]') reComment = re.compile(r'^\\.*') reMod = re.compile(r'(^[_[(\w!].*?\.es[pm]$)',re.I) reBashTags = re.compile(r'(%\s+{{BASH:|TAG\s+{{BASH:)([^}]+)(}})(.*remove \[)?([^\]]+)?(\])?') reDirty = re.compile(r'.*?IF\s*\(\s*([a-fA-F0-9]*)\s*\|\s*[\"\'](.*?)[\'\"]\s*\).*?DIRTY:\s*(.*?)\s*$') ins = GPath(inPath).open('r') mod = None for line in ins:
I don't know how that will effect things.
Irrespective of the above code, weird potential case could happen. 304.4 is looking for masterlist.txt and taglist.txt. It finds them, and uses the compiled dll files. However, the compiled dll files are looking for BOSS 3.0 and the yaml format. Because of that, it finds the BOSS format and has no idea what's going on. Since LOOT support was added with 305 then I would say 304.4 is like the red headed step child and probably should not be used for testing depending on what we are talking about. For how we are saying that 304.3 uses BOSS 2.x and then later versions of WB use LOOT then we should probably be comparing 304.3 and 305 from now on.
So I would change all my previous statements where I say 304.4 or higher to 305 or higher. I'll edit that later.
BTW, I attempted to rebuild the bash patch via normal bashed patch (Holy crap i forgot how long normal bashed patch takes compared to cbash) and the Calc min does get transferred correctly but the Auto Calc Stats is not enabled! So this does indeed seem to be a CBash issue somewhat like what AndalayBay said. Just to throw this out there.
EDIT: So where is the Auto Calc Stats thing on the Update Bash Patch menu? I don't see any Auto Calc Stats anywhere when I go to rebuild a Bash Patch with PBash or CBash. Is this a plugin thing? Is this a flag you see set in TES4Edit?