Vampiric Drain: From Useless to Tank
1) Enchanting leveled to 100 (all 5 Enchanter perks, Insightful Enchanter, Corpus Enchanter, and Extra Effect perks taken).
2) Heavy or Light Armor leveled to 100 (all perks taken).
3) Destruction leveled to 20 (Novice Destruction and Destruction Dual Casting perks taken).
4) All level ups into health.
5) Difficulty set to Novice.
6) One ring and one necklace to enchant and one complete matching set of armor of your choice, also to be enchanted.
7) Agent of Mara (Constant effect: 15% Magic Resist).
8) Lord Stone (50 points of armor Rating and 25% Magic Resist).
9) Stage 4 of Vampirism.
Enchantments (all values without fortify potions):
Head: Fortify Destruction (25%), Fortify Magic Regen (50%)
Neck: Fortify Destruction (25%), Magic Resist (20%)
Chest: Fortify Destruction (25%), Health Regen (25%)
Hand: Fortify Armor (25 points), Fortify Unarmed (12 points) - just for occasional fun! 
Finger: Fortify Destruction (25%), Magic Resist (20%)
Foot: Shock Resist (37%), Stamina Regen (25%)
With an armor rating of a little over 300, magic resistence of 70%, protection from shock damage, and infinite dual casting of vampiric drain for 24 absorb-health/sec, well, you'd be surprised. 
See this topic for a little exploration on my part: