Do you like 2 handed playstyle?
I honestly find it to be slightly overpowered for the amount of damage one does, especially in Heavy Armor. It doesn't feel like a challenge to me.
They are far to slow to be enjoyable for me....
My current character is a Khajiit fighter/thief sort who uses a two-handed glass battle axe or a glass bow and wanders around in Orc armor. Shields and swords are fun, but they can't match a two-handed weapon for the sheer joy of battle! ...not to mention a perked sweep that hits 3 enemies with one blow is really a kick, eh (especially since the axe is enchanted with absorb health)?
Two-handed swords have been my favorite, going all the way back to my Morrowind days. I usually play with either Light Armor or no armor. A two-handed sword-wielder with no armor (and no magic) can be a fun challenge.
I rarely (almost never) play two handed. Mostly because it's super slow, especially the warhammers. I've been playing with Skyrim Redone installed recently though, and it adds some battlestaffs (or maybe they're something) that are quick, at least as quick as the greatswords. It was pretty fun swinging those around. Maybe on my next play through I'll try two-handed.
I love playing a warrior who is a two hander...
I don't usually play above Expert level, and so I don't worry too much about one hit kills from every mook in the game and thus I don't NEED shields to survive a battle. My warriors usually have a shield and one hander around, but for sheer joy of battle, nothing beats a greatsword or battleaxe for wading in and clearing the room.
After playing a sneaky thief illusionist up to level 45-ish, I wanted to try something completely opposite so I made a two-handed berserker orc. It was awesome fun!
A quick tip - try to get to Solstheim (Dragonboard DLC) and do the quest The Final Descent. It's a great quest for a two-hander, hint, hint...
Have fun!
Two-handed is generally my preferred playstyle in Skyrim, and I like two-handed weapons enough to be likely to use it is whatever games they are viable. Unlike DAO, but that is for another forum.
My first Skyrim character was a two-handed warrior who had a warhammer as his primary weapon. I usually avoid two-handed weapons, I did so in most of my games, but there was something special with the fighting mechanics here and on my way to Bleak Falls Barrow I realised I love this skill.
two handed is fun. Especially if you are doing a barbarian playthrough where you are only using two handed for damage.
I just love going round Skyrim as a Nord dressed in furs, splitting people's (mainly bandit and necromancer) skulls open with a mighty battleaxe!
My Nord vampire huntress seems to agree with you about the 2-handed weapons and low / no armor thing...
But not so much about the magic part... A pyromancer's gotta have fire, and we all know how much vamps like fire
I can't stick to one play style in the warrior class.
By the way if you are going full into two handed, compliment it with the block perks
Block runner: move faster(default movement) when blocking.
Quick reflexes: time slows down when blocking a power attack (use this with block runner to maneuver around an enemy)
Power bash and deadly bash work too, but I always found that they dont do much damage at higher levels,but lower levels are good.
This is what my current character was specializing in, but I got bored of the slow swing and want to do swordboard/DW/archery.
Yes! This is very important, definitely invest in Block.
The only time my two-hander got into trouble was during one of the Black Book quests of Dragonborn. You have to find your way in Apocrypha, but with a light source. If you walk into a dark area, you take significant damage. That PC couldn't carry a torch (being two handed) and didn't know the candlelight or magelight spells (being a pure warrior).
I am doing a 2H at the moment, as well. I also like it!
My favorite thing is that you get to see your weapon clearly on your back as you move around in 3rd person. Blades armor, Dragon Bone Greatsword, and Jagged Crown. I look freaking awesome. (if I do say so myself... and I do.)
I took the perk that lets you do a sweep hitting multiple foes at once, first time I ever took it. I look for opportunities now where I can Mow 'em Down!!
I actually liked it more in Oblivion since it was not even remotly as slow and you didn't overswing on every attack like a moron.